हा मेने भगवान् को देखा है
ठीक वैसे जैसे तुम्हे देख रहा हूँ
कोई भी व्यक्ति भगवान् को देख सकता है पर उसमे भगवान् के प्रति श्रद्धा व् सच्चा प्रेम होना चाहिए
He alone is true teacher who is illuminated by the light of true knowledge

The companionship of the Holy and the wise is one of the main element of spiritual practice

It is egotism that separates man from divinity, when it done away with man becomes divine

Purify the spectacle of mind to see the world as God

Open the inner eyes and you will see the world is God

Live not a promiscuous life of the house fly, live a pure and useful life like that of bee

All living beings are gods, no mercy but service-for man must be regarded as God

True nature of man is eternal existence, knowledge and bliss, due to ego alone has forgotten the true nature that to help and serve mankind

All religions are true-God can be reached by different religions as many rivers flow through many routs but merge their identity in sea

Money can fetch bread for life but not the sole end and aim of being human
The tree laden with fruits always bends low, if you wish to be great, be low and meek

If you can find out the nature of Maya, it will fly away just as a thief runs away when detected

Rain water never stands on high ground, but runs down to the lowest point, so is the case with mercy of God that directs towards the heart of lowly and meek but drain out from those with high attitude of ego and vanity

If you can find out the nature of Maya, it will fly away just as a thief runs away when detected

Never visit miracle monger and those who exhibit occult powers, these men are stragglers from the path of truth

Guilelessness and simple faith is the path to kingdom of Heaven

Ever respect the dignity of women, women whether natural good or bad, chaste or unchaste should always be regarded as image of the divine mother

Knowledge which purifies the heart and mind alone is true knowledge

Sugar and sand may be mixed together but ants rejects the sand and carries away the grains of sugar in the same manner true one successfully sift the good even midst of bads

The more is man's attachments to the world, less is he likely to attain true knowledge, less his attachments increase the probabilities of gaining the knowledge unto truth and spirit

look at the anvil of a blacksmith, how it is hammered and beaten; yet it moves not from its place, let man learn patience and endurance

keep live quest for God with incomparable spirit to have so

Meditate on God either in an obscure corner or in solitude of forest or within the silence sanctuary of one's own heart

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa Jayanti

   Jai Sri Ganesha,

Jai Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa ji,

Jai Maa Sharda Devi,

Indeed a day to dignify self in truth with the glory of a mystic compassionate saint that crest jewel among the saintly souls, the saint who exists at the pitch of time irrespective of his moral reality, 

Life of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa ji is comprehensive teaching to aspirants on the path of truth and the cause, crystal clear in themselves to perceive, 

The light of austere penance of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa is available to all irrespective of cast and creed, is a beckon of light divine to make it for devotees and aspirants, 

He lived a silent truth of pilgrimage, his hermitage was the source of celestial cult in truth with time and ages to relate life and truth,

No one can afford to underestimate the truth of his mortal journey in the state of living immortality, 

His life is a truth of pilgrimage available to devotees and aspirants in their cause eternal that for a disinterested help all the way,

His life was a showcase of his divine journey on the planet to set an ideal for aspirants on the path of truth and the cause,

His appearance day is more than a Yajna to participate in varying forms that to update self with the truth of the cause eternal,

His life is a message of disinterested service for the true cause, cause to help the helpless, serve the needy, serve in spirit to those depraved in life on varying chapters of their journey,

The truth of his life and conduct is an advantage to men in the quest to reach the cause of being man, 

His message for fellow men is to restrict self from fault findings in fellow beings, try to introspect time and again periodically in truth with realization,  

His life is a great teaching for meaningful self-evolution, devotion to God is just for men, his message for men is to cultivate devotion to reap the fruits of immortality,  

He emphasizes faith, who has faith, has all, who lacks faith lacks all,

His philosophy relates truthfulness to penance in this dark age, 

He reaffirmed time and again that that alone enters the kingdom of heaven who is guileless in deeds, 

Obeisance to you Thakur Daa,

Revere your lotus feet again and again, 

Bow my head in your kind honor,

Greetings of the day,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa Jayanti,

  Jai Sri Ganesha,

Jai Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa ji,

Jai Maa Sharda Devi,

The most auspicious day of Sri Phalaria Dooj is here to enjoin the celebration of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa Jayanti, 

Indeed a day to dignify self in truth with the glory of a mystic saint who embodiment of compassion and a great help eternally to the helpless irrespective of cast and creed, 

Life of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa ji is a crystal clear message to aspirants and devotees on the path to cause eternal,

The light of austere penance of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa is right available here to enlighten the Path of embodied soul on his way back home,

No one can afford to underestimate the truth of his mortal journey in the state of living immortality, 

His life is a truth of pilgrimage available to devotees and aspirants in their cause eternal that for a disinterested help all the way,

His life was a showcase of his divine journey on the planet that to set an ideal of aspirants on the path of truth and the cause,

His appearance day is more than a Yajna to participate in varying forms that to update self with the truth of the cause eternal,

His life was a message of disinterested service for the cause, cause to help the helpless, serve the needy, serve in spirit to those depraved in life on varying chapters of their journey,

Let there be harmony among the men and the fellow creature, let no one take advantage of the helplessness of fellow beings, serve the life disinterestedly to serve God,

His message for fellow men is to restrict self from fault findings in fellow beings, try to introspect periodically in truth with realization,  

His life is a teaching for self-evolution, devotion to God is must for men, cultivate devotion to reap the fruits of immortality,  

Obeisance to you Thakur Daa,

Revere your lotus feet again and again, 

Bow my head in your kind honor,

Greetings of the day,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa Jayanti,

  Jai Sri Ganesha,

Jai Sri sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa ji,

Jai Maa Sharda Devi,

The most auspicious day is here again to shower the light of wisdom to glorify the truth of devotees and aspirants,

It is the Appearance day of Sri Thakur Daa, a true master, and a great teacher of life and the truth,

His message for devotees in very simple ascent with crystal clear truth that_

Do not care sects, they count for little compared with the essence of existence in each man, which is spirituality,

As the more man develops it, the more power he has for Good,

Earn that first, acquire that and criticize no one, show by your life, that it means spiritual realization, 

Sri Thakur Daa revealed his divine nature many times to his disciples, set an example for aspirants to follow, and make it for themselves,

God alone is real rest is an illusion, God can be seen face to face but the prerequisite is an inner quest, 

His message was clear that grow together into a single family through the truth of service and respective realization, 

An aspirant may live in the world but the world should not live in him like a boat may stay in the water but water should not stay on the boat, 

Remain always strong and steadfast in own faith but eschew all bigotry and intolerance, 

God is one, but many are his aspects, God is formless and with form too, he is that which transcends both, he alone can say, what he is,

Infinite was the asset of Sri Thakur Daa, his truth and life is more than the light to enlighten the pathway of both worlds, endless was his spiritual treasure and that for his devotees and aspirants on the path of truth and the cause, he passes his life for the good of mankind, his ways were mystic and compassionate, 

Obeisance to you Thakur Daa,

Revere your lotus feet again and again, 

Bow my head in your kind honor,

Greetings of the day,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Jai Sri sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa ji,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Jai Sri sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa ji,

Jai Maa Sharda Devi,

Most auspicious day of sri Phalaria Dooj is here to enjoin the celebration of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa Jayanti, 

Indeed a day to recall the truth and pastime of a great saint of the Age and Era, 

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa ji, a mystic compassionate with truth of light eternal to bless the life and the beings on the planet,

Truth of his austere penance was unique in itself which invite celestial entities to experience the eternal Yajna as performed by Thakur Daa, 

Truth of his pilgrimage within self was unique in itself to explore the universe within self and match it with truth of eternity Thakur Daa maintain in Yajna of his life,

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa ji, lead a life with truth of harmony between body and the mind to fix the cause unto welfare of life on the planet, 

As per quotes of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa ji that world is dependent relative fleeting reality, man need to realize it through respective discipline, 

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa over-tops the universe through his truth and austere penance to reach at the supreme personality in person, his rhythmic self expression unto truth of the self and the God make it easy for followers to follow for safe passage,

Through the light of his Vision, Sri Ramakrishna ji sublimate the essence of concept unto fair life with truth of cause to override the shadow of ignorance which knock the life with time and again, 

Obeisance to you Thakur Daa,

Revere your lotus feet again and again, 

Bow my head in your kind honor,

Greetings of the day,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Jai Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa
Jai sri Maa Sharda,

Sri Ramakrishna, a light divine which manifest on the planet for a define cause to enlighten the path of life for fair interaction with self that to sail safe,

Sri Ramakrishna, an enlighten soul which chose an enlighten day of Phalaria Dooj to manifest in the saintly wisdom,

Sri Ramakrishna, a great Brahman that versed with truth and the cause in the light of Vedanta, not only Brahman by birth but a legendary Brahman by truth and deeds, Brahman who performed numerous eternal Yajna  to connect self with celestial truth, the truth of his Yajna was beyond bounds and exclusively eternal which make him realize self in the light of truth,

Sri Ramakrishna, a great devotee of Mother Kali, a great priest of Mother Kali and a true dedicated servant of lotus feet of Mother Kali, devote the lotus feet of mother in varying ways through varying chapters of truth and submission,

Sri Ramakrishna ji devote his life and truth to serve the cause of mankind and nature, his heart ever beats for meek and weak, honest and pious, indeed he transforms many from dark of delusion to light of truth,

Sri Ramakrishna, a true master that versed with skill of meditation and mystic chapters of Maya and Truth, possess the power to eradicate the sins occurred by the man, versed with truth to sanctify the afflicted beings just a glance of sight,

Sri Ramakrishna was blessed with vision to have fair glimpse of Mother Kali at wish and will, indeed blessed by mother for infinite chapters of life and truth to interface at right spirit, blessed with skill dive deep within self to discover the pearls of truth and the cause, bestowed with boons to ascend within self in the sky of wisdom to visualize the truth and and cause at its right pace,

Sri Ramakrishna live a childhood which was abode of celestial entities, live a youth age to revive ancient scripture with light of truth  and rewrite the script of austerity and penance which charms the gods in sky, 

Sri Ramakrishna experienced the true self at wish and will and realize the truth of self and cause of life in the light of wisdom, blessed the devotees for a fair and truthful life, his life and truth is an inspirations for life on the planet to meet the motto of being man,

Obeisance to you Thakur Daa,
Revere your lotus feet again and again,
Bow my head in your kind honor

Greetings of the Day,
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please

Friday, March 8, 2019

Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa,

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Life of Sri Ramakrishna is a living legend for man to learn from and activate that truth in self to sail safe,

The nearer you come to god, the less you are disposed to questioning and reasoning,

The Sacred book tell us only the way to God, the means of realization that being known, the next step is to work one's way to the goal, realization of God,

If you feel proud, let it be in the thoughts that you are the servant of god, the child of God,

That knowledge which purifies the mind and heart alone is true knowledge,

The soul that has tasted the sweetness of divine bliss finds no happiness in the vulgar pleasures of the world,

A boat may stay on the water but water should not stay in the boat, an aspirant may live in the world bur the world should not live within him,

Forgiveness is the true nature of an ascetic, One needs to be simple like a child to attain that divine illuminations,

Pray with sincere and simple heart and your prayers will be heard,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Sri Ramakrishna

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Hare Rama, It is Sri Ramakrishna Jayanti Today, a very auspicious chapter that appearance day of Sri Thakur Daa,

Indeed a day to recall the truth of Sri Sri Ramakrishna that to glorify the truth of life and self,

Message of sri Sri Ramakrishna is give up the company of the wicked and resort to the company of the good, day and night do meritorious deeds and be wakeful to chant the name of God without mimic show,

The More your human shortcomings drop away and divine qualities come into your life,

The tree laden with fruits always bends low, if you wish to be great, be lowly and meek,

God has laid out for different men different paths suitable to their nature,

Many are the names of God and infinite are the forms through which he may be approached, in whatever name and form you worship Him, through that you will realize him,

He alone enters the kingdom of heaven who is not a thief of his own thought, in other words-guilelessness and simple faith are the roads to that kingdom,

Hare Krishna, Dive deep into the ocean of the absolute existence, knowledge, bliss-fear not those sea monsters, avarice and anger, paint with turmeric of discrimination and dispassion and these alligators will not approach you, for the scent of this turmeric is too much for them,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Sri Sri Ramakrishna

Pranaam Thakur Daa,
Today, it is very auspicious day That Appearance day of Thakur Daa-Sri Sri Ramakrishna ji,

Indeed a day to recall the truth of a saint that mystic compassionate,

Message of Thakur Daa_
The wind of God's grace is incessantly bowing, Lazy sailors in the see of life do not take advantage of it, but active and strong always keep the sails of their minds unfurled to catch the favourable wind and thus reach their destination soon,

Darkness of centuries is disappeared as soon as a light is brought into a room, the accumulated sins of countless lives vanish by a single glance of god,

The companionship of the holy and the wise is one of the main elements of spiritual progess,

He alone enters the kingdom of heaven who is not a thief of his own thoughts, in other words, guilelessness and simple faith are roads to that kingdom,

Forgiveness is the true nature of the ascetic,

Knowingly and unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously, in whatever state of mind a man utters God's name he acquires the merit of such utterance,

Sing with devotion the hallowed name of the Lord and the mountain of your sins will vanish, just as a mountain of cotton will burn to ashes and disappears if but a spark of fire fall on it,

Man suffers through lack of faith in God,

The Sun can give heat and light to the whole world, but it cannot do so when the clouds shut out its rays, similarly, as long as egotism veils the heart, God cannot shine upon it,

Obeisance to Thakur Daa-Revere your lotus feet on the occasion of this special day,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Sri Sri Ramakrishna

Pranaam Thakur Daa,
Today, It is Appearance day sri Sri Ramakrishna, a mystic compassionate truth that light of wisdom for life to follow,

His Journey of life was comprehensive truth of divine spirit on the sphere of spirituality,

Sri Ramakrishna ji was a great devotee of Mother Kali, a bare fact that supported by time and age,

Goddess Kali temple was founded by Rani Rasmani and Sri Ramakrishna soon became the priest of the temple, his submission unto the truth of worship was beyond words, his yearning for God realization became more and more intense in the lotus feet of Mother,  his quest to have glimpse of Mother was beyond description and one day Mother Manifest in person to oblige her son, comforted him and liberate from fear of unseen truth one belongs to and meet on the charter of fate and karma,

Life and truth of sri Ramakrishna Krishna enlighten the pathway for virtues life, the jewel of spirituality that he gathered through his practice of truth and austerity manifest in many forms to oblige the life at all quarters,

In each quarter of his truth, he realized that form of the divine mother that one with formless supreme Brahman, like fire and its burning power, like milk and its whiteness, he devote his truth in service of the lotus feet of Mother Divine, inspired by the light of Mother he empathises unto the truth of service in devotion, service to the mankind and nature was truth of his truth which ever indicate reference of Divine touch with,

Obeisance to sri Sri Thakur Day on the occasion, revere lotus feet Sri Sri Ramakrishna ji with all faith and submission on the occasion,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please        

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Sri sri Ramakrishna,

Pranaam Thakur Daa,
Today, it is appearance day of Sri sri Ramakrishna,

Sri sri Ramakrishna ji appeared on the planet on second day of Shukla Paksha of Hindu Month Phalgun,

Born amidst the utter simplicity of a village in Bengal,

From the very childhood felt a passionate yearning for the vision of God,

Sri Ramakrishna devoted his life in the lotus feet of Mother Kali, the mother of universe,

By dint of his intense prayer and longing, he obtained the truth that known in the name of God,

Sri Ramakrishna realized the God too by following the paths laid down in the scripture,

In various ways he indulge self in qualifying the communion with God, sometimes merging himself on the truth of total submission, sometimes as a child of the Divine Mother,

People from all quarters of social sphere came to him and feel the radiance of his Divine spirit,

Infinite was his love for the cause of humanity, he entourage the men to serve the life that for a cause,

  The whole life of Sri Ramakrishna is a light that enlighten the truth of soul in journey as human,

His compassionate nature was beyond words, infinite was his spirit to serve the cause,

Sri Ramakrishna quotes that_
Human life is precious beyond words, indeed a truth to realize the God,

God is there but veils of ignorance distant the man from,

Existence of God can easily be realized by controlling ego through self restraint,

Repeating the name of the Lord silently sitting in a quite place, will not only enhance the power of concentration but rest assure to be blessed with divine vision ultimately, sure to have God realization,

If a man sees an attorney, he naturally thinks of lawsuits and courts, similarly, on seeing a pious devotee, one is reminded of God and of the life hereafter,

Darkness of centuries is disappeared as soon as a light is brought into a room, the accumulated sins of countless lives vanish by single glance of God,

The wind of God's grace is incessantly blowing, lazy sailors in the sea of life do not take advantage of it, by active and the strong always keep the sails of their minds unfurled to catch the favourable wind and thus reach their destination very soon,

As long as i live in, so long so i learn-as long as you live, learn everyday of mysteries of love and devotion, it will be always to your advantage,

There are some who boast of their wealth and power, name and fame but they are for short alone,

man suffers so much simply for want of devotion to God, one should therefore adopt such means as would help the thought of God to arise in the mind at the last moment of one's life,

Obeisance to You, Thakur Daa, revere your lotus feet on the occasion,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Friday, February 20, 2015

Appearance day of Sri Ramakrishna

Pranaam Thakur Daa,
It is very special day today for devotees and followers of Sri Sri Ramakrishna,

Phalgun Shukla Dooj-second day of the second half of sacred Phalgun is celebrated as appearance day of Sri Ramakrishna-the great light of eternal truth manifest on the planet in the garb of a mystic compassionate in the form of Sri Ramakrishna,

The conventional man of truth and religion found in sri Ramakrishna a strengthening and vitalizing force,

The great soul experienced his highest realization as a priest of Mother Kali-indeed he a was a true devotee of mother,

Sri Ramakrishna emphasizes unto the need of social work to uplift the status of depraved on the sphere of life,

Sri Ramakrishna insisted to serve the mankind and nature that disinterested,

 Sri Ramakrishna had profound sympathy for the social reformers and humanitarian workers

As per the truth of Sri Ramakrishna, social work must be a part of God realization,

Sri Ramakrishna sharply reprimanded even the great Swami Vivekananda  for hankering after personal salvation when the higher goal of working for the uplift to fellow creatures was calling him,

View of sri Ramakrishna was very simple  that God who has created the world would take care of the sincere seekers himself if he finds them victim of error-he will rectify them in his own inscrutable and omnipotent manner and set things right, faith and reverence is must chapter along with disinterested service,

True quest for God leads one to God-the honest inquirer must search his heart and grow in it the truth finding faculty of love,

Message to aspirants on the path from Sri Ramakrishna is very simple that they should seek god with a passionate longing,

Today, it is most suited day to recall the teachings of a great compassionate mystic saint  known in the name of Sri Ramakrishna,

Obeisance to you, Thakur Daa-please accept my humble homage on the occasion

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please  

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sri Ramakrishna

Today it is appearance day of Sri Ramakrishna, a great compassionate mystic saint,

Sri Ramakrishna, the ocean of mercy and truth of pure knowledge and unfathomable bliss,

Sri Ramakrishna is source of blessings which re-define the truth of self with respective pristine source soul relates to,

Sri Ramakrishna, the giver of divine nectar to liberate self from jaws of lust and greed,

Sri Ramakrishna, the wonderful power that inscrutable, calm, the essence of illumination, the immutable embodiment of knowledge and devotion, the union of two in one,

Sri Ramakrishna who was born when quarters were propitious, when the moon was sond in the bright hald of Phalgun, on day of knowledge that Wednesday in the year 1756 of Shaka Era,

Sri Ramakrishna who was a truth of perfect renunciation, devoted to the praise of god, came to Dakshneshwar with vow of illuminating humanity and mythology at its true pitch,

Sri Ramakrishna who verily establish the cords of harmony of all religions, was potent to destroy the misery of life,

Obeisance to sri Ramakrishna, I revere the lotus feet of a great saint on this great occasion,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sri Sri Ramakrishna

Hare Krishna,

Today it is very auspicious day for followers of Sri Ramakrishna, being the appearance day of Sri Thakur Daa, compassionate mystic heart master,

Heart of Sri Thakur Daa was ocean of compassion for those that suppliant in, his teachings are still live as sri Thakur Daa for his followers,

As per quotes of Sri Thakur Daa_
One is very safe in this world, if has discrimination of the real from the unreal,

One cannot afford to let worldly thoughts and anxieties rules self in the very special journey of life as human,

Indeed there are pearls in the deep see but if you fail to get them by a single dive-please do not conclude that sea is without them, dive again and again in true spirit with pray and perform norm, and you are sure to be rewarded in the end, so is the case with journey of life-if initial efforts proves fruitless, please do not lose heart, be courageous rise up and make attempt again and and again to make it, and it will,

It is power of Brahma in man that cause the mind and the intellect and senses perform and when this power ceases to act, it stands for an changeover,

He who thinks that to be a Atman or jiva remains as same but that who considered himself to be god and act respectively verily becomes and attain the status at the right conjunction,

Obeisance to you, O Thakur Daa, Plaese accept my humble Homage on the occasion,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today is appearance day of Param Hans Sri Sri Ramakrishna

Today is appearance day of Param Hans Sri Sri Ramakrishna
Appearance day of Sri Sri Ramakrishna falls on second day of the lunar half of Hindi month Phagun; this day is also known in the name of Phalaria Dooj.

Sri Sri Ramakrishna born amidst the utter simplicity of a village, felt a passionate yearning for the vision Of God and proves it with time and again that nothing is impossible in life for human.

At the very young age he becomes the priest in dakshineshwar Temple, where God is worshipped as mother of this universe.

In various ways he experience the bliss of communion with God, sometimes merging himself totally as devotee, some times as child of divine mother, maintain an appearance of individuality.

Spiritual power of his radiance was immeasurable, his love for humanity knew no barriers of race, color or creed and he gave without stint to all who sought his counsel and blessings.

Sri Sri Ramakrishna ever gave special feeling to depraved and helpless; service to mankind and nature was his sole message to his disciples.

Sri Sri Ramakrishna was a light that divine one to dispel the dark of ages to realize the truth for liberation.

“Obeisance to You, O great mystic saints-please accept my very humble homage on this divine day being celebrated in the name of your appearance day”

May lord bless all.

Thanks please